0141 889 5522
Mon - Fri : 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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Healthier Business Group is proud to announce that it will now offer Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism through the e-Learning for Healthcare (ELFH) platform. This training has become a framework requirement and will be free for all Healthier Business Group clients.

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism was introduced in memory of Oliver McGowan, a young man who passed away in 2016 due to a lack of understanding and reasonable adjustments during his hospital care. The training aims to improve the quality of care and support for people with learning disabilities and autism in all healthcare settings.

The training covers various topics, such as the legal framework around learning disabilities and autism, communication, reasonable adjustments, and person-centred care. It is designed to increase awareness and understanding of these conditions and to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to provide high-quality care.

If you would like to add this course to your available courses list, please click the button below.

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If you have any questions regarding this, please contact us at support@hbcompliance.co.uk or 0141 889 5522.