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Mon - Fri : 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM


Virtual – Compliance Training Event

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Healthier Business Group is delighted to announce that we will be hosting two virtual compliance training events on the 2nd and 9th of October 2020. These events are free to all clients, and you can book your slot by visiting: https://calendly.com/blsbookings/compliancetraining The aim of the events is to ensure that our clients have the most up to date guidance and are fully supported by HB Group. It also gives our clients the

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Practical Training – NHSE&I, the Workforce Alliance and HealthTrust Europe

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NHSE&I, the Workforce Alliance and HealthTrust Europe have now announced that the waiver that enables suppliers to utilise distance learning as an alternative to face-to-face training is to be extended indefinitely. It is anticipated that the requirement for face-to-face training will be reintroduced in the future with agencies being given least 1 calendar month notice. All frameworks have stated “It is expected that where Temporary Workers have been unable to undertake required face-to-fac

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COVID- 19 Risk Assessment – Key Links:

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Everyone is at risk of getting COVID-19 however it has been identified that certain individuals and people with underlying health conditions/protective characteristic are considered more vulnerable than others and it is important that everyone is aware who is at risk and what protective measures and actions should be undertaken to safeguard each person. We at Healthier Business UK Ltd want to ensure that you can have access to current guidance issued by public health authorities and some other u

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Message from Lynne Thomson Clinical Lead

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"Currently we understand that many of our clients are facing unpresented demand for their services and getting candidates fit to work is becoming extremely challenging. It has been brought to our attention that most vaccine providers are taking precautionary measures whereby either closing or restricting access to their facilities for the foreseeable future. These measures have had a huge impact on prospective healthcare workers being able to source providers of vaccines to either commence or co

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Covid-19 (Message to all client’s)

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We are receiving numerous enquiries from our clients asking if we plan to close or stop providing services due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Healthier Business Group can categorically confirm we will remain open throughout and continue to provide a full service. As with all businesses we are managing some cases of staff self-isolating however, we have a robust plan in place to deal with staffing shortages. This plan also ensures that no matter what, we can not only continue to meet demand but

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Corona Virus – Information for HCWs

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Corona Virus - Information for HCWs To self refer for a test please visit https://self-referral.test-for-coronavirus.service.gov.uk (HCW) – Healthcare Worker, this refers to those who work in a healthcare setting within and outside the NHS who may come into contact with patients, including clinical administration staff, and care home staff. This also includes NHS staff where depletion of workforce as

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Covid-19 – Coronavirus (Update)

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As the situation regarding Covid-19 is fast moving we would highly recommend that all clients and their candidates monitor https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-list-of-guidance. Whilst we will continue to publish guidance and respond to general queries it is however, important that we ensure that the information we produce will not become obsolete. By accessing the enclosed lin

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Healthier Business Group understand that there is growing concern regarding Covid-19 and what mitigating actions we have in place in the event that we have staff shortages, office closure or other such major events. As you would expect we have a robust policy and system in place to ensure that our service will operate as normal or return to normal following any major event - (getting back to business as usual as quickly as possible). If you are a client and require a copy of our BCP then ple

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(Update 13/03/2020 - Please note this post should now be disregarded please see https://www.hbcompliance.co.uk/news/covid-19-coronavirus-update The COVID- 19 virus (Novel Coronavirus) has now been declared a

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New Live Chat Feature

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Healthier Business Group is delighted to announce that we have now launched a new live chat feature that is available to both clients and candidates. The aim of this new feature is to allow us the opportunity to give instant support and give new and innovative ways for service users to engage with our team. As the first company in our sector to offer this service we believe it further demonstrates our commitment to customer engagement and to providing an unparalleled service. We understand t

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